Our chamber Discover the organization and the network of the French CCI in Canada! Our TeamBoard of Directors and Executive ComiteeOur missionOur member companiesTestimonies
Membership Joining the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Canada means joining a business community of nearly 400 French and... Why become a member?Become a memberFind a memberMember Privileges
Services The CCIFC supports you in your efforts to establish your business in Canada and also in France! Why Canada ?Business CenterDiscover and prospectSetting up your companyImmigrateDestination : FranceA quotation for your projectEFE INTERNATIONAL
Events Panels, committees, lunches and networking ... The CCIFC offers you more than 80 events in a year! Upcoming eventsSpeakers
Communication The French Chamber of Commerce in Canada offers its members a platform for sharing their news and bringing the latest... Need visibility?Our Podcast « L'incontournable »Subscribe to our newsletter !
Recruitment The French Chamber of Commerce in Canada helps you in your recruitment and job search process. Discover the job offersYou are an employerYou are a candidateV.I.E, Internship... Discover our partner schools
ClubsSectorial Club - Tech & InnovationSectorial Club - Infrastructure and Smart CitiesSectorial Club - ESGCEO ClubCFO ClubHR ClubProgrammes for SMEs, Start-ups & EntrepreneursDuo Mentoring Programme